
Update From Kyle

November 28

Dear SouthPark Church Family,

I am excited to share with you some updates regarding our church finances and the status of the work on our new campus.

Financial Update
Through October 2018, we have both exceeded our giving in 2017 and kept expenses within our gifts and income for the year.
Total gifts and income through 10/31/18
2018: $669,169 (this includes $24,043 from Childress Klein for the delay in closing on the property)
2017: $628,364
Gifts and income over (under) expenses paid through 10/31/18
2018: $8,202 over
2017: ($29,358) under

We have had a great year thus far in supporting our 2018 ministry budget of $844,313. We still need a strong finish to end in the black for the year, as the 4th quarter is historically when we receive a significant amount of annual contributions. Let’s keep up the good work. Thank you for your continued faithfulness!

We celebrated an incredible Commitment Sunday on November 25, when we had the opportunity to turn in our Love SouthPark Capital Campaign Commitment Cards and the 2019 Stewardship cards. Sunday, December 2 is Celebration Sunday, when the Love SouthPark Initiative totals will be announced. Sunday, December 2 is also the first week to begin making your Love SouthPark contributions; let's start strong by bringing our first fruits offering. If you are unable to make it to services on Sunday and would like to turn in your commitment card online, use the link below to complete both Commitment Cards: the 2019 Budget and the Love SouthPark Initiative.

Construction Update
Our new SouthPark Church campus is a complex project. Our Building Planning Team has been at work behind the scenes along with other members of leadership to verify everything is properly coordinated at each step of the process. The new development will be called Apex SouthPark. The Apex SouthPark project team consists of Childress Klein (CK), JE Dunn (CK’s contractor), Choate (our contractor), and our team. The project team meets on a regular basis. With so many moving parts, coordination is incredibly important!

If you’ve driven by our campus lately, you know that work on the property is already in full swing. We have recently obtained our site permit for the church building. We will be meeting at the end of November with the United Methodist Metro District Board of Location and Building for what we hope will be the final review of our building plans. Our architects are preparing the construction documents and plan to submit for our building permit in December.

We continue to work with Childress Klein on parking logistics and our Leasing Agent Agreement, which is our agreement with CK for their assistance in finding the right tenants for our space to produce the necessary income to cover the mortgage. We have received two mortgage offers from lenders that appear to be favorable for the church.

We have received approval of the exterior design and finishes. Planning for the interiors is underway. Audio/Visual/Lights and acoustics are wrapping up their design and pricing, and the environmental graphic package and wayfinding is near completion. We have started discussions with IT vendors and the security company. We will have fiber run to our building for internet service.

We are 100% on track with all of the agreed upon milestones with CK. We anticipate that construction on our building will start in mid-to-late February 2019!

Grace and peace,
Pastor Kyle

Complete your Commitment Cards here
Fill out my online form.