
Inside Look

September 26, 29 & 30

You've seen the outside, now come see the inside! We shared exterior images of the new campus at a recent town hall. We now invite you to join us at an upcoming “Inside Look” to see the interior renderings and to hear about how we will raise the necessary funds through a capital campaign.  We will eat and have fun together.  You will not be asked to turn in a commitment card at the Inside Look events, the purpose is to share information.  If you come to any special event at SouthPark Church this year, make it the Inside Look. We are offering to help with child care, please email Jenni at to find out more details.

There are three Inside Look options to choose from, each offering free food & drink:

·     September 26, 7-9:30 PM, Supper at the Hampton Inn, Phillips Place (FULL)

·     September 29, 9:30 AM – Noon, Brunch at Maggiano’s, 4400 Sharon Road

·     September 30, 4 – 6:30 PM, Light snacks at the Hampton Inn, Phillips Place

Please RSVP below which event you will be attending by September 16. Seating is limited, please RSVP for every family member attending. You can refresh the page once you've RSVP'd to make additional responses.

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